• Too cute to die, or Bringing ceramic Tanuki back to life in a few easy steps

    The little ceramic Tanuki’s fate was predetermined from the very beginning. Somehow he managed to get to Britain from Japan, but it meant nothing, since someone at END. decided that one small box will be enough for his next travel to Czechia… дальше



    It is said, that depending on culture we not only read from left to right or from right to left, but we also look at all images the same way (try The Great Wave off Kanagawa, if you want to check it… дальше


    Rory’s Story

    Since I felt the need to explain my new hobby and the «roryfication» of the last months, I decided to translate one of my texts, the one where I introduce Waldorf dolls to the society, but then I realised that… дальше


    «Made in Japan. Эссе о современной японской поп-культуре». Часть вторая

    Видеоигры и кино

    Веселее всего у меня шла глава о видеоиграх. Не исключено, из-за того, что как раз в тот день пришла моя посылка с Nintendo Switch и последней «Зельдой» (для меня — первой), а такие совпадения влияют на настроение в целом… дальше
