Dream Destination

This week Rory was introduced to the funniest family activity ever — visiting IKEA without any shopping list.
She saw rooms without walls filled with stuff with labels, she was riding a cart, and she got a tea set in pastel colours, because it’s impossible not to find what to buy in this store (and this DUKTIG is the real Chinese porcelain, by the way, not some Swedish replica, but a truly valuable thing — that’s why IKEA is an awesome place, it contains treasures).

Rory even discovered a real zoo near the restaurant. She wanted to take a photo with pandas, but they were all sitting in trees. So, since she didn’t agree to be photographed with sharks for some reason (because she is afraid of water, and they remind her of this? maybe), she chose gorillas instead of pandas.

Rory still hasn’t decided if IKEA was worth it (she was too tired from all the fun by the end of the visit), but at least she returned home in a Tesla (her first ride in a Tesla… Uber, of course), or better: at least she returned home. Because IKEA is too big, and a little doll is too small, so even the most comfortable interiors cannot compensate for this difference in size. Rory looks better in cozy spaces. But to know it, she had to try.