STRAWberry HeArT Pirates

This is Rory. Rory is a pirate.
And she is looking for the One Piece!
With a little (in other words: insignificant) help of her loyal crew, of course: Rononoa Tora, the first mate, and Aesopp, blind, but brave pilot.

The pirates are called STRAWberry HeArT Pirates because of the Rory’s pendant.
As soon as it was finished (when it got its braided cord from not-so-soft-as-expected Norwegian wool), it started to look just like a silver heart on the cover of AURORA’s latest album, which turned out to be another funny coincidence. Because not only Rory has the same name («Rory» is a shortened version) or looks like the singer, even her special pendant now reminds of What Happened to the Heart.

Before that, the pendant was only a strawberry to everyone. Scandinavian strawberry, designer strawberry, strawberry that was ordered for a specific doll and made of silver, et cetera, et cetera… but just a berry. Now it sounds better and has new meanings, so it can be easily attached to a pirate theme. A missing piece that was suddenly found. Good that it turned out by itself.